National representatives

  • Daniel Graf

    Daniel Graf

    Young scholar national representative for: Austria
    University of Vienna

    Main research interests:
    Bullying and Cyberbullying, Personality and Environment
  • Elisabeth Stefanek

    Elisabeth Stefanek

    National representative for: Austria
    Pro Mente Forschung, Austria

    Main research interests:
    Migration, Acculturation, Prevention of Bullying and Aggression, Evaluation, Mental Health in Children and Adolescents
  • Anne Sophie Bröhl

    Anne Sophie Bröhl

    Young scholar national representative for: Belgium
    KU Leuven

    Main research interests:
    Environmental sensitivity, Personality
  • Katharina Eckstein

    Katharina Eckstein

    National representative for: Germany
    Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
    Website >
    Main research interests:
    Civic and political development, Family and school influences
  • Lucia Kvasková

    Lucia Kvasková

    Young scholar national representative for: Czech Republic
    Masaryk University

    Main research interests:
    Career development, Career paths of the forgotten half, Emerging adulthood
  • Jan Šerek

    Jan Šerek

    National representative for: Czech Republic
    Masaryk University, Czech Republic

    Main research interests:
    Civic and political socialization, Social and political attitudes
  • Alexia Carrizales

    Alexia Carrizales

    Young scholar national representative for: France
    Aix-Marseille University, France

    Main research interests:
    Empathy, Prosocial Behaviours, Living environments
  • Cyrille Perchec

    Cyrille Perchec

    National representative for: France
    University of Bordeaux, France

    Main research interests:
    Family relationships, Parenting, Psychosocial and socio-emotional development, Dynamic systems
  • Lara Aumann

    Lara Aumann

    Young scholar national representative for: Germany
    Leibniz University of Hanover

    Main research interests:
    Adolescent and familial acculturation, (Migrant) family interactions in different contexts, Cultures
  • Panagiota Dimitropoulou

    Panagiota Dimitropoulou

    Young scholar national representative for: Greece
    University of Crete, Greece

    Main research interests:
    Motivation, Emotions, Mental Health
  • Spyridon Tantaros

    Spyridon Tantaros

    National representative for: Greece
    National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece

    Main research interests:
    Identity, Parenting, Personality
  • Isabella Muscolino

    Isabella Muscolino

    Young scholar national representative for: Ireland
    University College Cork, Ireland

    Main research interests:
    Psychoneuroendocrinology, Mind-Body relationship, Pubertal hormones
  • Shogo Hihara

    Shogo Hihara

    Young scholar national representative for: Japan
    Hiroshima University, Japan

    Main research interests:
    Identity formation, Psychopathology, Mixed-methods approach
  • Kazumi Sugimura

    Kazumi Sugimura

    National representative for: Japan
    Hiroshima University, Japan

    Main research interests:
    Identity formation, Cultural issues, Religiosity
  • Beatrice Bobba

    Beatrice Bobba

    National representative for: Italy
    University of Bologna, Italy
    Website >
    Main research interests:
    Prejudice, Parent-child relationship, Social-emotional development, Empathy
  • Tiziana Pozzoli

    Tiziana Pozzoli

    National representative for: Italy
    University of Padova, Italy

    Main research interests:
    Bullying, Bystanders' behavior, Social-ecological approach
  • Vaida Gabé

    Vaida Gabé

    Young scholar national representative for: Lithuania
    Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania

    Main research interests:
    Pro - environmental behavior, Child to parent influence, Adolescence
  • Rasa Erentaitė

    Rasa Erentaitė

    National representative for: Lithuania
    Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania

    Main research interests:
    Identity, Social diversity, Adjustment
  • Elke Murdock

    Elke Murdock

    Young scholar national representative for: Luxembourg
    Université du Luxembourg, Luxembourg

    Main research interests:
    Identity, Biculturalism, Value Transmission
  • Isabelle Albert

    Isabelle Albert

    National representative for: Luxembourg
    University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

    Main research interests:
    Parent-child relations over the life-span, Intergenerational value transmission, Migration and cross-cultural issues
  • Stefanos Mastrotheodoros

    Stefanos Mastrotheodoros

    Young scholar national representative for: The Netherlands
    Utrecht University, the Netherlands

    Main research interests:
    Identity, Parenting, Adolescent Development
  • Caspar J. van Lissa

    Caspar J. van Lissa

    National representative for: the Netherlands
    Utrecht University, the Netherlands

    Main research interests:
    Emotional adjustment, Parent-adolescent relationships, Machine learning
  • Maria Magdalena Kwiatkowska

    Maria Magdalena Kwiatkowska

    Young scholar national representative for: Poland
    Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, Poland

    Main research interests:
    Personality, Social relationships, Social inhibition
  • Filipa Nunes

    Filipa Nunes

    National representative for: Portugal
    University of Porto, Portugal

    Main research interests:
    Sense of personal agency; Parent-adolescent relationships; Peer-adolescent relationships
  • Marisa Matias

    Marisa Matias

    National representative for: Portugal
    University of Porto, Portugal

    Main research interests:
    Family relationships, Gender roles, Work-non work relations
  • Bogdan Glăvan

    Bogdan Glăvan

    Young scholar national representative for: Romania
    Babes-Bolyai University, Romania

    Main research interests:
    Identity, Meaning-making, Self-regulation
  • Lavinia Damian

    Lavinia Damian

    National representative for: Romania
    Babes-Bolyai University, Romania

    Main research interests:
    Perfectionism, Motivation, Relationships
  • Maria Bacikova-Sleskova

    Maria Bacikova-Sleskova

    National representative for: Slovakia
    Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia

    Main research interests:
    Family processes, Adolescent risk behaviour, Parenting
  • Ana Rodríguez Meirinhos

    Ana Rodríguez Meirinhos

    Young scholar national representative for: Spain
    University of Sevilla, Spain

    Main research interests:
    Parenting, Psychological adjustment, Self-Determination Theory
  • Karin Boson

    Karin Boson

    Young scholar national representative for: Sweden
    University of Gothenburg, Sweden

    Main research interests:
    Mental health, Personality, Attachment
  • Sabina Kapetanovic

    Sabina Kapetanovic

    Young scholar national representative for: Sweden
    University West, Trollhättan; Jönköping University, Jönköping, Sweden

    Main research interests:
    Risk behavior, Social relationships
  • Ylva Svensson

    Ylva Svensson

    National representative for: Sweden
    Örebro University/Gothenburg University, Sweden

    Main research interests:
    Social integration, Ethnic diversity, Identity formation
  • Gillian Albert Sznitman

    Gillian Albert Sznitman

    National representative for: Switzerland
    Université de Lausanne, Switzerland

    Main research interests:
    Family relationships, Mental health, Identity
  • Grégoire Zimmermann

    Grégoire Zimmermann

    National representative for: Switzerland
    Université de Lausanne, Switzerland

    Main research interests:
    Family relationships, Identity, Parenting, Risk-taking
  • Rengin Işık Akın

    Rengin Işık Akın

    Young scholar national representative for: Turkey
    Utrecth University, the Netherlands

    Main research interests:
    Leaving home, Parent-adolescent relationship, Emerging adulthood