The Journal of Adolescence (JoA) is an international, broad based, cross-disciplinary journal that addresses issues of professional and academic importance concerning development between puberty and the attainment of adult status within society. The journal publishes both empirical and clinical studies as well as integrative reviews and theoretical advances.
Ingrid Schoon is the EARA’s Editorial Assistant at JoA. An agreement between EARA and the JoA includes the possibility to set up a special issue for the journal every two years, based on the EARA biennial meeting.
Examples of prior issues are:
- Volume 96 (2024), Adolescents’ digital life, edited by Ingrid Schoon, Jennifer Symonds, & Wim Beyers
- Volume 64 (2018), Adolescent psychopathology in times of change, edited by Wim Beyers, Inge Seiffge-Krenke, Håkan Stattin, Marion Kloep
- Volume 47 (2016), Shedding light on the dark side of identity, edited by Elisabetta Crocetti, Wim Beyers, and Figen Cok
- Volume 37 issue 8 (2014), The transition to adulthood around the Mediterranean, edited by Semira Tagliabue, Margherita Lanz, and Wim Beyers
- Volume 37 issue 5 (2014), Dynamics of personality in adolescence, edited by Theo Klimstra, Wim Beyers, and Elias Besevegis
- Volume 35 issue 3 (2012), Political and civic engagement development in adolescence, edited by Constance Flanagan, Wim Beyers, and Rita Žukauskienė
- Volume 32 issue 6 (2009), Intervention and prevention with adolescents, edited by Terje Ogden, Wim Beyers, and Silvia Ciairano
- Volume 31 issue 2 (2008), Adolescent self and identity development in context, edited by Wim Beyers, Jeff Kiesner, and Figen Cok
- Volume 27, Issue 5 (2004), Families, peers, and contexts as multiple determinants of adolescent problem behavior, edited by Jeff Kiesner and Margaret Kerr
- Volume 25, Issue 1 (2002), Personal agency and personality in adolescence, edited by Wim Meeus, Rainer Silbereisen, and Jari-Erik Nurmi
- Volume 22, Issue 6 (1999), Family relations in adolescence, edited by Peter Noack, Margaret Kerr, and Attila Olah
- Volume 20, Issue 6 (1997), Risk and resilience in adolescence, edited by Sandy Jackson, Michel Born, and Marie-Noel Jacob
- Volume 18, Issue 4 (1995), The adolescent as a whole person, edited by Hakan Stattin