Sabina is a doctoral student within a longitudinal research program LoRDIA (Longitudinal Research on Development in Adolescence), where young people’s mental health, relationships with parents, friends and teachers, as well as contact with alcohol/drugs/crime is studied. The focus of Sabina’s research is adolescent involvement in risk behaviors, thus social risk behavior (such as bullying and aggression), delinquent behavior, substance use, as well as sexual risk behavior and the impact of social networks on such behaviors in adolescence. A special focus is devoted to the relationship between parents and their adolescent children, as well as the adolescent’s involvement with peers. Sabina is a member of research unit of child and youth studies at University West, Trollhättan, as well as SALVE research unit of social work at Jönköping University, Jönköping.
Furthermore, Sabina is qualified teacher and has a background of education of young people (age 12-16). Currently she teaches at University West in personality psychology, child and youth psychology, and addiction.