Writing articles in the open science era

The workshop on Writing articles in the open science era aims to strengthen writing skills to allow researchers to write more effective research articles. The workshop is aimed at early-career researchers who are planning to write articles for English language journals or who are currently writing articles. The workshop will include a presentation on general tips and tricks for successful writing, combined with examples of effective and less-effective writing and ample time for writing exercises to improve writing skills. Moreover, we will discuss the benefits and how-tos of preregistration and open access publishing. There will be ample opportunity for participants to ask questions and engage in discussion.

Susan Branje is Professor of Development and Socialization in Adolescence at the department of Youth and Family, Utrecht University, The Netherlands. She obtained her Ph.D. at the Department of Developmental Psychology, Radboud University Nijmegen in 2003. Her work focuses on understanding the developmental changes in adolescents’ personal characteristics and relationships with parents, siblings, friends, and romantic partners and the associations with adolescent psychosocial adjustment. She is also Past President of the European Association for Research in Adolescence and Associate Editor of the Journal of Research on Adolescence.