Understanding and practicing open science

The last decade has seen an increase in discussions about open science. Despite its popularity, what is open science, and most importantly, how to practice it often seems challenging, especially for new researchers. Goals of this workshop is to provide the theoretical background and demonstrate how to practice open science in psychology. The workshop has the following structure.  First, we will talk about the different definitions of open science. Then, we will define preregistration and how to preregister different types of studies. This will include the presentation of the different preregistration templates for the analyses of both primary as well as preexisting data sets. In the third part of the workshop, we will talk about reproducible data analyses, and how to make research data publicly available.  For the different parts of the workshop we will use hands-on examples using longitudinal data. By the end of the workshop, you should be able to know what open science is, how to preregister a study, and how to make your data and research material available online.

Prior to the beginning of the workshop, please download and install the following software:

The workshop does not assume familiarity with this software. In addition, please make a free account at HTTPS://OSF.IO.

All materials will be made available at: HTTPS://GITHUB.COM/ANGELOSPSY/OPEN-SCIENCE-WORKSHOP

Workshop organizer

Angelos Krypotos is a post-doctoral researcher at KU Leuven and Utrecht University. His main research interests are avoidance learning, fear, pain, anxiety disorders, and computational modeling. Angelos has a PhD from the University of Amsterdam on Clinical Psychology. He is currently funded by an FWO Senior Post-Doctoral grant and by an NWO replication grant.